girl in white top on a wooden bridge looking back smiling

I guide women on a unique self-discovery journey, encouraging transformation through creativity and mindfulness.


I’m Lauren – mentor, artist, and mindfulness practitioner.


I’m here to help you nurture your ideas and potential so that you can believe in yourself and do more of what you love. If you’re ready to bloom into the flower that you were born to be, I’d love to guide and support you on your journey.


As your personal mentor, I’ll help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and encourage you to follow a path that’s true to who you are.


I’ve dabbled in a variety of different careers and hobbies over the years, which has led me to finding my purpose as a mentor, artist and mindfulness teacher.


I don’t choose to live my life in theory. I choose to live the full experience by staying curious, practising new skills, making mistakes, and being a beginner as often as I can. I believe this is the best education you can give yourself. 

Girl smiling on the beach

Your ideas came to you for a reason and you have the ability to turn your ideas into something meaningful and worthwhile.


While we work together, you’ll begin to find the clarity you need to make positive changes in your life. You’ll reconnect with yourself and practise unconditional self-love. You’ll feel aligned and centred in your being, and make choices that serve your highest good.


Let’s turn your vision into reality.


Now it’s time to listen to your heart, surrender and leap forward. Your intuition is what brought you here. Your next step is to trust.


Let’s get to know each other!


Book a free discovery call today to see what’s possible ☺️

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Lauren shares thoughts and ideas on living a mindful, inspired and creative life.


My mission is to spread joy and add value to your life.


Expect to receive monthly newsletters plus goodies in between.


If you change your mind, you can unsubscribe anytime 🙂