Self care is more than just getting your hair done…

What’s your definition of self-care?

I know for most of my lifetime, self-care has been focused on appearance – what I wear, how my hair looks, whether I need to shave my legs or not, cutting and polishing my nails, eating healthy (and not because I’m nurturing my body, but because there has been pressure to worry about my weight over the years).

And I’ve always seen doctor and dental check-ups as being a form of self-care – and yes they’re important – but these are routine things, to make sure I’m still functioning properly. Again – physically.

However, mental and spiritual self-care is important too and often gets brushed aside.

In my opinion, it should be made a priority.

When we nurture our mind and soul – we nurture our entire bodies. 

Think about it… stress on the mind causes stress in the physical body.

For example: when I’m stressed, my jaw clenches and I’ll grind my teeth in my sleep, my body stiffens causing pain in my neck, resulting in a tension headache. 

Or I’ll get rundown and experience the cold or flu, or a random, mysterious rash

It’s only been in the last five years or so, that I’ve realised that self-care goes waaaaay beyond making sure you look and smell okay… or that you’re still breathing.

Here’s a list of 10 self-care ideas for the soul:


1. Practising self-reflection and self-awareness – If you don’t know where to start, start here. Reunite with your soul and have a conversation with yourself, as if you’re meeting yourself for the first time. Write out a few questions for yourself, or jot some notes down, if you like – Hi, how are you? How are you, really?

2. Listening to your intuition (gut instinct, a hunch, that inner knowing) and trusting

3. Understanding your patterns and triggers and considering these things when you make decisions/choices

4. Being kind to yourself – practising nurturing and empowering self-talk, treating yourself the way you would treat those you love the most or an innocent child

5. Listening to your body – Tired? Go to bed, have a nap, and do less. Feeling tense and stressed? Take notice. Pause. Have a break and get outside. Do something to help you feel calm and present.

6. Having hobbies – whatever lights you up! Could be crafty, musical, educational, helpful – whatever is calling out for you to try

7. Scheduling space in your calendar for FUN and allowing yourself to experience the joyful things in life

8. Making time to do nothing – Let yourself stare out the window, notice your surroundings, get a little bored for some time, and be still. A lot of realisations come up in the space of silence and nothingness. Allow yourself to go there – don’t be scared

9. Limiting your time on social media – is a BIG one! Delete the app on weekends. Limit your screen time in the settings on your phone and laptop. Notice how you feel and fill all that extra time with something that’ll make you feel good – or nothing at all. Bliss 😌 (In my opinion, the best times are far away from any kind of screen)

10. Setting personal boundaries for yourself – Assessing your relationships and the communities you spend most of your time with – are they bringing out the best in you? Do you thrive in their company? Do you feel energised around them, or low and moody? Pay attention and make the changes you need to live in a way that is true to you. Set a clear boundary or say goodbye to those who tax your energy, emotional well-being and happiness

I have a lot to say on this topic. I wanted it to be short and sweet, but my soul and fingers took over

I’ll leave you with this piece of advice…

Pause for a moment and reflect on the above ways to practise self-love and care on a deeper, soul level. Go beyond the external, physical things. Connect with your spirit. Listen to your truth.

HINT: Which point above stood out to you the most? That’s the point you should start with

My 1:1 mentoring service, is always open if you need to talk things out and find ways to weave self-care into your everyday life ✨
Take care,
girl in white top on a wooden bridge looking back smiling