Biggest life lesson that I learned in my 20s

I hope you’re well ☀️

I’d like to share an important message with you today.

I used to be so hard on myself for being sensitive, for crying too much, or for taking things personally. But over the past few years, I’ve learned that this is one of my greatest strengths…

It also takes strength to become aware of your negative thoughts patterns and actively change them for the better.

It takes strength to be able to nurture your mind, be your own cheerleader, and lift yourself back up when times are tough.

It takes strength to love yourself enough to make the positive changes you desire in life.

It takes strength to set the personal boundaries that you need in order to protect your mental health.

It takes strength to honour your sensitivity, accept it for what it is, and channel your emotions into healthy activities/hobbies that make you feel good (creativity, exercise, adventures, helping others, etc.).

Yesterday was a bad day for me, personally…

I’ve actually had many of those this year. But I’m thankful because it’s given me more inspiration and a new-found level of confidence, that I just didn’t have last year.

Although Sweet Smiling Soul is a place for positivity, growth, and inspiration, I want to be real with you and let you know that behind the scenes — it’s a rollercoaster.

I am living a very human experience over here, despite what it may look like on Instagram

It’s definitely not all sunshine and rainbows…

In fact, I actually pull most of my inspiration from the the difficult times, when I’m at my lowest and need to nurture my own mind.

I just happen to share the advice that I actually give to myself, publicly, in hopes that it can support and guide you out of the dark times too.

I think this is what makes me a great mentor.

I share what I’ve experienced and overcome first hand.

I share the tools and resources that have helped me on my own journey.

I listen and I meet you where you’re at, offering the space for you to connect with your own intuition, and make choices that make sense for you.

I’ve created a video blog for you this week (something different 🤷‍♀️). I’ve posted it on Instagram too, in case you’d prefer to watch it there, otherwise, you can view it below.

It’s about the importance of finding a purpose in life that brings you joy. And it’s one of the biggest life lessons that I learned in my 20s.

It’s the thing that keeps me going.

It’s something that gets me excited to wake up each morning (side note: I feel excited for the day ahead, most mornings, but it’s the content I choose to consume online, that often makes me spiral, turning a good day into a bad day — I’m working on it).

I feel that this message is an important one to share with you, today.

So if you have 10 minutes, take a look below and let me know your thoughts.

If you’re considering/currently transitioning to bigger and better things, and it all feels a bit much, or you’re still unsure on what you could possibly be doing next, then continue reading.

The aim of my mentoring services, is to help you gain clarity on what you’re here to do, but more importantly, what you actually want to do when it comes to living a life of purpose, joy and fulfilment.

If you’re currently in a phase of life where you’re:

– Looking for a positive change regarding your purpose/calling but it feels a bit daunting

– Feeling stuck in your career and unsure of how to escape and start something new

– Questioning if you’re in the right position or pursuing the right path and wondering if there’s something better out there for you

I’m am about to open the doors to my new group mentoring program, specifically for women who desire a career change and want to embrace a more meaningful purpose.

It’s an opportunity to listen to that calling. You know? The one that repeats itself. Or the one that you’ve been considering for a while now, but you just haven’t taken the action yet, to move forward.

If you’re seeking change because you’ve outgrown your routines and environment, and are ready to try something new, then this experience is for you 💗

Send me a message via email:,  and I’ll give you the full rundown ✨

Together, we’ll get clear on what your soul is calling you to do and take the necessary steps to get you feeling more content, while you head towards the things that you truly desire.

You can also book a free 30 minute video call to discover what’s possible inside a mentorship. Click here!

I look forward to hearing from you 🙂

Take care,


girl in white top on a wooden bridge looking back smiling