10 surprising ways to enhance your creativity


Creativity is something everyone can access within themselves. However, sometimes the stories we tell ourselves and the busyness that comes with life can disconnect us from it all, causing us to feel creatively blocked, and not make any time for it.

To be creative, or to enhance your creativity, doesn’t mean you have to drop all of your other commitments to make it happen. It can be a slow and steady process, easily woven in and around your everyday life. Let’s not make things more difficult than they have to be.

Here are some surprising ways to improve and embrace your creativity with more ease. 


1. Make it a daily ritual to engage in your creative hobby of choice. 

It’s not about finding time for creativity, it’s about making time. Start with 15 minutes per day for writing, drawing, crocheting, painting, kitting, sewing – whatever lights you up. Once you give yourself just 15 minutes, you’ll be surprised by your desire to continue. 

2. Join a creative community and do it together.

Sometimes it helps to connect with other creatives to help you boost your creative energy. Being surrounded by people who are passionate about similar crafts and art mediums, often provides further inspiration for your ideas and processes. It’s also a great way to receive some accountability while you follow through on your goals and projects. It’s amazing how much can be achieved in the space of an hour while chatting and creating with others. If you’re looking for a community, I host fortnightly Creative Co-Working sessions online. All you need to do is show up with your supplies, relax, have fun, and connect with like-minded people. Learn more here.

3. Reconnect with your inner child.

What did you love to do as a child? How did you express your creativity? Did you dance, sing, draw, paint, or build? What were you doing after school and on the weekends? Try to remember, or simply watch the children around you, and tap into your playful self. Children are brilliant at letting go of the outcome. They’re not worried about what people think and do what feels good in the moment. Children have a lot of wisdom to offer when it comes to creativity. Watch and learn, and when you begin a new project, honour the inner child within and encourage them to be free to explore through creativity, without judgement.

4. Get out in nature and pay attention.

A short walk in nature can give you an energy boost and a spark of inspiration. But when you pay attention to your surroundings, further inspiration and ideas can come through. Allow your mind to get quiet, notice how you feel, and the sensations in your body, and observe what you see, smell, and hear. This type of practice is like a walking meditation. A combination of fresh air and mindfulness can do wonders for your creativity.

5. Start an “Ideas Journal/List”.

Throughout your day, when you collect ideas and inspiration on what to create, note them down! This is helpful because whenever you’re feeling creatively challenged, you have somewhere to go to help you get unstuck. You can even save videos and posts that you see on social media, to an ideas folder. Or create a board on Pinterest, filled with all the creative things that light you up!

6. Read books about creativity.

Some recommendations for you:

– Craft For The Soul – Pip Lincolne 

– Succulent Wild Woman – SARK

– Steal Like An Artist (Audible Trilogy) – Austin Kleon

– The Artist’s Way – Julia Cameron

7. Spend less time consuming and more time creating.

Yes, it helps to get inspiration outside of yourself at times, but make sure you spend more time implementing your ideas, instead of only thinking about or collecting them. You’ve got to be creative to become even more creative. Turn off your phone, and TV, and minimise distractions. Make creativity a non-negotiable part of your self-care practice.

8. Be curious.

Embrace being a beginner. Expect to not be perfect. Follow your curiosity, practice, and give new things a try. See creativity as a fun experiment. If you get an idea that sparks something within you, go with it. Don’t resist it. You have nothing to lose.

9. Allow yourself to get bored.

It’s not a bad thing to get bored. In the space of boredom, you have the opportunity to ask yourself – what would my inner artist do right now? Let your mind wander and daydream for a little while. Stare out the window. Do nothing. See what comes up for you in the space of silence and nothingness. You might be surprised by the ideas that come to you. 

10. Practise loving self-talk.

This might not be the first thing you think about when it comes to finding ways to enhance your creativity, but loving self-talk is a necessary part of the creative process. How are you supposed to allow yourself to connect with your creative spirit if you’re constantly criticising your ideas, processes, and results? Sure, there’s always room for improvement but when you’re being unreasonably harsh on yourself, the artist within you won’t feel at all inspired to do any of the above. Practice self-compassion. Be gentle with yourself. If it helps, repeat some positive affirmations to yourself such as: 

– I am learning to let go and surrender to the creative flow. 

– “Mistakes” and “messiness” are a part of the creative process and are helping me to enhance my skills.

– I achieve my best work when I practise self-love and self-compassion


You’re already an artist. Make it an intentional practice to commit to your creativity so that you can stay connected to this part of yourself. When we’re connected, life feels more enjoyable and balanced. Use your creative superpowers as a way to retreat from the outside noise and journey back home to yourself. If you’re feeling creatively blocked or want to improve the relationship you have with your creative self, I hope these tips offer you some relief. 

I’m here to help if you require a mentor! You can book a discovery call with me if you’d like to learn more about my services and how I can help you find a meaningful purpose that lights you up inside. 

To explore our upcoming creativity and mindfulness events, click here!