Time For Self-Love

girl smiling by the Isar in Munich

So I really love to be alone. I would happily hang out with me all day every day if I could. I love to be in a quiet place, thinking about stuff, making stuff, talking to myself, singing to myself. It’s when I’m alone, I create my favourite things, listen to my favourite songs, envision my future self, daydream of fun ideas, get jobs done. I find that I eat better, treat myself better and allow myself to just be me.

It’s kind of interesting that I’m only just becoming aware of this now. Looking back and now that I’m aware of it, I’ve always been this way. I’ve always felt happy to be alone in silence, with my own thoughts and creativity.

Isn’t it strange that it’s only when no one else is around that I’m my complete and true, authentic self? Isn’t it strange that the only time I gift myself love and self care, is when there’s no one else around to care for or worry about? I don’t always put myself first…


I don’t know.

Where is the love and time invested in between?

I guess in every other aspect of my life. The boyfriend, the family, the kids I work with, the friends, the acquaintances, random tasks and situations. And that’s not a bad thing, it’s always good to share the love. But is there enough left for me at the end of the day?

I’m working on consciously hanging out with myself more and providing myself with more time for self love and nourishment. Even when my love is scattered a little. It’s important to get time alone. Time to recharge and reset.

A list of self-love time to gift myself…

– Time for yoga and meditation

– Time for creative play

– Time for walks

– Time for thinking

– Time for pampering

– Time for napping

– Time for reading

– Time for doing nothing

– Time for eating healthy but also time for eating treats because balance you know?

I even believe that just giving myself free time is an act of self-love. Just making the effort to make time. I know when I allow myself this time, I’m a happier person and I’ll have the energy to share my time and love with others. What time do you give to yourself and yourself only? Are you making time for self-love and care? Share your thoughts! Or just have a little think about it. Maybe even schedule some time right now!