Surrendering to the unknown

cherry blossom tree in munich

Recently I celebrated my 27th birthday and I’m coming to the end of a 9 year cycle (in relation to numerology, if you’re into that- I am!). A number 9 year is the year of completion and endings, a time to make way for the new. But whether I delve deep into numerology or not, for the past 6 months I have naturally had to cleanse the slate and prepare for the next cycle ahead. The period leading up to this time has been an emotional rollercoaster.  I’ve had to fully surrender and let go of my past life experiences, cut ties with the old me and the old life, also cut ties with relationships, accept the drastic changes and begin to sit peacefully in my thoughts and the unknown.

I pictured my mind as a house sitting on my shoulders, and began to declutter. I cleared cobwebs and have thrown away anything that doesn’t serve me anymore. In the garbage pile you could find limiting beliefs such as, I’m not good enough, not smart enough, who am I to speak up and share, nobody will listen, I’m alone, I’m the only foreigner in Munich, nobody understands me here, the list goes on… A dusty household that’s for sure, and one that was fairly new to me as I’d always considered my inner world as being quite neat and tidy, with everything in control. However, there was most likely a part of me that regularly swept a few things under the rug and pretended everything was fine. There’s still a lot of work to do, self doubt often lingers, but I feel as though I’m moving forward.

Before I left Australia I was such a happy little Vegemite, encouraging my friends and family to be the best they can be and to always look on the bright side. Collecting gratitude rocks and gifting them to people, creating vision boards and attending dance meditations on the beach, this was how I rolled. I feel that it’s still in me for sure! And after clearing away most of the junk in my messy little mind, I’m finally feeling the urge to embrace it again and not only keep it to myself, but share it with my own little community.

Something is telling me that I am here to teach, to guide in my own unique way, and add value to other people’s lives. I feel that I am being called to connect people with their soul purpose, their higher selves and their true potentiality. I don’t know how exactly but I guess that will come in time. Whether it be through channelling creativity in workshops or group meditations and discussions, this just feels like the way to go for me. So this is where I deeply believe Sweet Smiling Soul is headed. This name came to me for a reason. A soul is meant to smile. A soul is meant to illuminate and shine light into the souls of others.

The waters are rising and beginning to flow almost effortlessly, as long as I continue to surrender to the unknown and allow myself to open up to fresh ideas and experiences. By surrendering, I feel that I’ll be pulled in the right direction.

Watch this space…