10 Things to Spark Inspiration

bunch of flowers in a park in munich

To feel a sense of inspiration is something that is so important to me. When I’m inspired, I’m in a state of bliss because I’m wanting to create, learn or travel somewhere. I’m usually visualising and feeling the urge to experience new things, and this always lights me up inside!

Inspiration can often lead us to beautiful places, experiences and people. I believe that inspiration is such an important part of our journey because without it, there’s no drive or motivation to complete or try something new.

When I’m inspired I’m often lead to the answers that I’ve been searching for and I begin to feel more aligned with my path. I’ve learned that inspiration brings so much positivity into my life and has guided me to make some pretty cool choices such as traveling and moving overseas, learning new skills and hobbies and starting a creative business.

When I’m not feeling inspired it’s usually because I haven’t allowed myself the time and space for it. At the moment I’m trying to become more aware of times where I’m blocking the possibility of inspiration coming through. Once the energy shifts I can recognise what makes me feel inspired, make a note of it, and refer back to my note at times when I’m feeling blocked.

I thought I’d share my list of things that spark inspiration. Maybe you guys can add to the list!

Here’s a list of 10 things to get me in the mood and ready for inspiration…

1. Going for a walk in nature

2. Researching DIY projects

3. Writing, even just a sentence

4. A tidy house = a tidy mind

5. Meditation and yoga

6. Book stores

7. Listening to enlightening podcasts

8. Window shopping

9. Traveling

10. My tarot cards (aka my new best friend)

How often do you feel inspired? Is it something that you consciously search for? Is it something you make time for? What makes you feel inspired?